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Awareness for Surviving Women and Children (ASWAC) is a 501(c) non-profit organization 

that provides services to abused victims.  Services include promoting abuse sensitivity and awareness in the community,  schools, and organizations/groups through education. We also provide awareness about teen dating violence,  safety planning,  accompaniment with Protection From Abuse (PFA) orders, medical and legal referrals, temporary emergency shelters, and relocation assistance.  ASWAC  primarily serves all women and children at no cost to victims and their loved ones.

Our Vision

Our vision is to improve the quality of life for women and children. Promotes opportunities for independence through services and support.

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

ASWAC is dedicated to preventing abuse, strengthening and supporting survivors by providing  trauma-informed coaching, survivor-centers, and empowerment-based services to all women and children.


We Need Your Support Today!

Awareness for Surviving Women and Children

Awareness for Surviving Women and Children (ASWAC) is a 501(c) non-profit organization 

that provides services to abused victims.  Services include promoting abuse sensitivity and awareness in the community,  schools, and organizations/groups through education. We also provide awareness about teen dating violence,  safety planning,  accompaniment with Protection From Abuse (PFA) orders, medical and legal referrals, temporary emergency shelters, and relocation assistance.  ASWAC  primarily serves all women and children at no cost to victims and their loved ones.  


Phone: +1-215-690-1128

Registered Charity: 117796

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Awareness for Surviving Women and Children.

Dedicated to prevent abuse in Women and Children


© 2021 Awareness for Surviving Women and Children.



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