Soutenez la mission Awareness for Surviving Women and Children (ASWAC) en donnant de votre temps et de vos compétences !

Faire du bénévolat est un excellent moyen de soutenir votre communauté, d'acquérir de l'expérience de travail et de créer un réseau. Nos bénévoles reçoivent une formation approfondie dans plusieurs domaines de service et donnent de leur temps de manière significative au profit des victimes d'abus et de sensibilisation à la violence domestique.
Service direct
Les postes de bénévoles suivants nécessitent 45 heures de formation sur la violence domestique et 5 heures supplémentaires d'observation et de formation sur le terrain.
Counseling Services: ASWAC provides immediate safety planning, crisis intervention, and referrals. ASWAC also facilitates short and long-term therapeutic counseling and support groups for both women and children. It provides opportunities for survivors to process their experiences with others who have faced similar situations.
Medical advocacy: ASWAC nurse advocates are on call 24 hours a day to provide options and crisis counseling to survivors of abuse at our designated facility. ASWAC nurse advocates also train other interdisciplinary team members including physicians and nurses, to screen patients and recognize the signs of abuse.
Housing Services: ASWAC provides emergency shelters to women and children at proximate risk of physical abuse to help survivors relocate out of abusive situations. ASWAC also facilitates supportive services including relocation assistance, case management of survivors, and comprehensive services.
Providing education and community outreach: ASWAC strives to provide high-quality education programs to community centers, congregational meeting places, and schools to maximize public awareness about abuse. Informational brochures and flyers on abuse are distributed at community and school events and health centers.
Consulting Services: ASWAC provides consulting services and offers presentations to hospitals and local clinics regarding abuse and guidelines for protecting women and children.
Survivor Empowerment and Safety: ASWAC provides ways to improve the delivery of care to Survivors through confidentiality and safety. In addition to advocacy, ASWAC works with individuals to develop safety planning and provide referrals for community and legal services.